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Foreign Buyers List (国外买家名录)

There are more than 409,000 foreign purchasers from 20 industries and 200+ countries here.


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Industry Index

  1. Ceramics (陶瓷) - 6,270 Buyers
  2. Construction Industry (建材行业) - 32,513 Buyers
  3. Consumer Electronics (家用电器) - 49,447 Buyers
  4. Crafts / Gifts (礼品、工艺品) - 1,696 Buyers
  5. Daily Use (日用品) - 5,866 Buyers
  6. Electronics / Electrical (电子电工) - 1,828 Buyers
  7. Food / Beverage (食品饮料) - 58,296 Buyers
  8. Garments / Apparels (服装、服饰) - 367 Buyers
  9. Garments / Leathers (纺织、皮革、羽绒) - 41,641 Buyers
  10. Industrial Supplies (机械及工业制品) - 66,987 Buyers
  11. Jewellery / Ornaments (珠宝首饰) - 6,532 Buyers
  12. Medicine / Health / Beauty (医药保健) - 8,059 Buyers
  13. Mineral / Chemicals (矿产化工) - 55,135 Buyers
  14. Native Products (土畜) - 13,603 Buyers
  15. Others (综合) - 7,646 Buyers
  16. Office Supplies (办公文教) - 10,943 Buyers
  17. Sporting Good / Casual Goods (体育休闲) - 590 Buyers
  18. Suitcases / Leather (箱包皮具) - 2,423 Buyers
  19. Telecommunications (通讯产品) - 911 Buyers
  20. Toy (玩具) - 7,713 Buyers

Country Index

1. Australia (澳大利亚) - 7,582 Buyers
2. Austria (奥地利) - 1,592 Buyers
3. Bangladesh (孟加拉国) - 1,311 Buyers
4. Belgium (比利时) - 7,010 Buyers
5. Canada (加拿大) - 14,621 Buyers
6. Denmark (丹麦) - 4,013 Buyers
7. Finland (芬兰) - 2,334 Buyers
8. France (法国) - 24,736 Buyers
9. Germany (德国) - 12,529 Buyers
10. Greece (希腊) - 1,113 Buyers
11. Hong Kong (香港) - 28,320 Buyers
12. India (印度) - 8,538 Buyers
13. Indonesia (印度尼西亚) - 3,754 Buyers
14. Iran (伊朗) - 1,418 Buyers
15. Ireland (爱尔兰) - 2,861 Buyers
16. Italy (意大利) - 10,957 Buyers
17. Japan (日本) - 72,213 Buyers
18. Korea Rep. (韩国) - 11,681 Buyers
19. Lebanon (黎巴嫩) - 934 Buyers
20. Macau (澳门) - 302 Buyers
21. Malaysia (马来西亚) - 5,050 Buyers
22. Nigeria (尼日利亚) - 2,335 Buyers
23. Netherlands (荷兰) - 9,045 Buyers
24. New Zealand (新西兰) - 1,337 Buyers
25. Pakistan (巴基斯坦) - 2,130 Buyers
26. Russia (俄罗斯) - 2,833 Buyers
27. Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯) - 1,781 Buyers
28. Sri Lanka (斯里兰卡) - 1,178 Buyers
29. Singapore (新加坡) - 6,556 Buyers
30. Spain (西班牙) - 5,776 Buyers
31. Sweden (瑞典) - 4,626 Buyers
32. Taiwan (台湾) - 26,950 Buyers
33. Thailand (泰国) - 3,005 Buyers
34. Turkey (土耳其) - 2,660 Buyers
35. United Arab Emirates (阿拉伯联合酋长国) - 3,178 Buyers
36. United Kingdom (英国) - 18,778 Buyers
37. United States (美国) - 70,602 Buyers

Hot Search List

Health Products(医药保健品及医疗器械)

  1. Health care services (健康保健服务)
  2. Medical Equipment (医疗设备)
  3. Health status and problems (健康状况和问题)
  4. Medicines and health products (药品,保健品)

Electronic and Information Products (电子及信息产品)

  1. GPS (全球定位系统)
  2. Portable media devices (便携式媒体设备)
  3. Pictures and Video (图片与视频)
  4. Home audio and video (家用音频和视频)
  5. Consumer Electronics Accessories (电子消费品零配件)
  6. Telephone equipment (电话设备)
  7. Car Audio Systems (车载音频系统)

Clothing (服装)

  1. Women (女装)
  2. Underwear (内衣)
  3. Children clothes (童装)
  4. Uniform (制服)
  5. Casual wear (休闲服装)
  6. Clothing Accessories (服装配饰)
  7. Shoe (鞋类)

Carved Jade Jewelry and Bone (珠宝及骨刻玉雕)

  1. Gemstone (宝石)
  2. Ring (戒指)
  3. Bracelet (手镯)
  4. Earrings (耳环)

Gift (礼品)

  1. Wedding supplies (婚庆用品)
  2. Gifts (礼物)
  3. Gift Wrapping and ribbons (礼物包装与绸带)
  4. Greeting Cards (贺卡)
  5. Holiday Decorations (节日装饰品)

Household items (家居用品)

  1. Garbage bags (垃圾袋)
  2. Household cleaning products (家用清洁产品)

Lamps Lighting (灯具灯饰)

  1. Projector light (投影灯)
  2. Low energy light (节能灯)
  3. Obstruction light (障碍灯)
  4. Led industrial light (Led工业灯)
  5. Led lighting display (LED照明显示屏)
  6. High bay light (高景灯)
  7. Aviation light (航空灯)
  8. Led lightbox (Led灯箱)
  9. Led recessed light (LED天花灯)
  10. Car led bulbs (汽车LED灯泡)
  11. Led tealight (LED蜡烛)

Antiques & Collectibles (古董与收藏)

  1. Chinese antique furniture (中式仿古家具)
  2. Chinese style furniture (中式家具)
  3. Buy porcelain (买瓷器)
  4. Antique furniture (仿古家具)
  5. Antique crystal (古董水晶)
  6. Classical furniture (古典家具)
  7. Chinese porcelain antique (中国瓷器古董)