- We do not accept the information from personal or sale/purchase but companies only;
- The information which you submitted will be taken effect immediately, you do not need to wait for webmaster's check and pay it;
- Webmaster will check all submitted information afterwards, ensuring the information to be true,correct and complete;
- Webmaster will delete false and spam content at the moment when be found;
- Please input your company's full and correct name,in order to ensure users could find it easily;
- Please fill company's information as complete as possible to give browser more help.
Now input your company name, then press "Enter" button:
- 本站只接受企事业单位介绍信息的提交,不接受个人信息及买卖信息的提交;
- 您的信息提交后不需要等待审核,可以即时发布生效,也无需任何费用;
- 但稍后会有专业人员审核,以尽量保证其信息真实、准确与全面;
- 如果是非法信息、虚假信息或者垃圾信息,审核时将会被马上删除;
- 请您在提交信息时注意企业名称的准确性,以免网友搜索不到贵单位;
- 请尽可能的填写完整的企业信息,以保证可以使企业信息通过审核显示在本站内。